"Mind-blowing! Heart-blowing! Yoni-blowing!!"


Tantrahuasca Retreat for Women

11th - 18th October 2024



A luxury women’s retreat on the Caribbean coast of Costa Rica,

with Milli Moonstone (Awaken Your Medicine), and Kashi Money (Kundalini Rose).


Tantrahuasca is a guided journey of self-discovery and a deep dive into your true nature,

supported by two profound pathways for self-realisation: Tantra and Ayahuasca.


Experience the safety, healing, empowerment and freedom that comes from receiving

sacred plant medicine in women-only ceremonies,

alongside transformational embodiment practices and the most bio diverse nature on the planet.










 Tantra is an ancient lineage from the east. A way of being that invites us to cultivate a loving relationship with all life, Tantra invites us to acknowledge and accept every aspect of ourselves, others and the world.

It offers an embodied relationship to spirituality - that embraces our humanity within a consciousness of love and union.

The tantric path teaches us to be present to each moment as it is - to feel the emotions that move us, observe our thoughts with discernment, and let the body’s natural wisdom guide us.

Ultimately, it calls us home to ourselves, to our profound capacity for sensual-spiritual experience, and to the implicit synergy of our human and divine nature.


Ayahuasca is a sacred plant medicine from the Amazon Rainforest. It has been used for centuries to access alternative states of consciousness, in order to heal and transform subconscious psychological patterns, past trauma and karmic lessons -

by bringing us into a direct experience with the very essence of our being -

nature… love… God… and all creation.


This 7 day retreat combines both these ancient and powerful traditions in a contemporary and accessible way.


Together, our circle of women will journey through a carefully curated program of initiations, transmissions, embodiment practices and ceremony - both with and without medicine - to connect deeply with our natural expression and inner landscape.


Drawing upon two decades (each) of experience, Kashi and Milli combine powerful ancient and modern modalities to create a healing alchemical container that will support you to support you to reclaim your true feminine nature, liberate yourself from the past, and open up pathways of power, pleasure and purpose that nourish, empower and transform you, from inside out.


* Dance * Breathwork * Song Circles * Medicine * Ceremony * Ritual * Sisterhood * Sharing * Authentic Connection *



"The goddess inside you that wants to be released will thank you!"













"truly a coming home to the wholeness of the Sacred Self that is me... all of me."


Aaliyah Melissa


"If you are considering going on this journey, I cannot but urge you to GO FOR IT! It is a path to reclaiming your being as fully sovereign and fully alive!"


Cait Na Rain













Your Guides...

Milli Moonstone

Hi! I’ve been exploring realms of the psyche and spirituality for my whole adult life, since a spontaneous sexual-spiritual awakening at the age of 20.  
For the past decade, I’ve been working with thousands of people around the world in facilitating their journeys of deep inner transformation and growth, working primarily with music and the voice as pathways for healing, alongside the sacred plant medicine Ayahuasca.
My passion for creating transformational spaces has led me to weave in other modalities that I've found to be the most potent, including breathwork, intuitive movement, embodiment practices, shamanic journeying and sacred sexuality. I am also a certified life coach and have trained in Compassionate Inquiry, a therapy modality developed by Gabor Mate.
In 2020 after losing the love of my life, I created Awaken Your Medicine as a platform to offer empowering online courses, retreats and 1-1 mentorships. The first course, Awaken Your Sexual Medicine is now available and offers women a powerful series of embodiment practices, meditations and teachings to journey into the fullness of their self-expression.
I incorporate all my healing modalities and experience along with my unique essence to offer an expansive and one-of-a-kind ceremonial experience.
Feedback I often receive from participants is how I make them feel very safe, comfortable, seen and heard just as they are, and yet also gently push them out of their comfort zones in ways that allow them to blossom into new levels of self-awareness and self-acceptance.  And that I intuitively know when to do each! People connect with my sense of play, fun, and loosening up of inhibitions, while also holding a deeply compassionate and sacred space.
Born in London, I now live in the Atlantic Rainforest of Brazil at Terramaya Eco Retreat Centre. My beloved and I built this centre for healing over the past 10 years, and I continue to offer retreats at this magical land.

Kashi Money


Born in London, Kashi grew up with a passion for adventure and all forms of artistic expression, spirituality and healing. In her early twenties Kashi immersed herself in various retreats, ashrams, plant medicine ceremonies and alternative communities, pursuing a tantric path and her desire for embodied spiritual experience. Cultivating her boundless passion for dance, she performed at events and festivals around the world, training in kundalini yoga and bellydance, and travelling worldwide for workshops, retreats, and ceremonies.

Kashi met Johny Dar in San Francisco in 2009. At the time, Johny was best known as an established fashion designer from Los Angeles, who had taken an extended hiatus from the industry to seek a more meaningful life. She started working with Dar in Los Angeles the following year, after completing her Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training in Hawaii.

Over the next decade Kashi trained and worked extensively with Dar in LA, Berlin and London, while he mentored her in personal development and shamanic healing. Working across several roles and industries, and as the brand’s director of communications, Kashi became a dedicated pioneer and practitioner of Dar’s healing modalities and awakening arts. She produced and managed fashion shows, art exhibitions, immersive events, festivals, and philanthropic projects, including the acclaimed Jeans For Refugees initiative, and the launch of independent record label, Dar the Music.

Kashi moved to Costa Rica in January ’21 and founded Kundalini Rose, as a platform for transformational immersions, tantric alchemy and temple arts. Today, she lives on the Caribbean coast of Costa Rica, drawing upon a rich range of devotional practices, ceremony, and healing modalities to nurture clients through a range of empowerment programs, transformational containers and 1:1 coaching.







  "I have discovered parts of myself that have been dormant for years. My creative juices are flowing and my zest for life has been re-activated. I feel grounded in the seat of my soul and free to be me."




  "So super grateful for Milli and Kashi, and for the way they brought this together. So naturally, so safely, so we could truly blossom. We blossomed together as a group, we blossomed together individually...


It’s like 10 years of therapy in one week" 












What's Included...


7 nights luxury accommodation on the Caribbean coast of Costa Rica 
7 days of journeying deep into your feminine power, pleasure and medicine
Daily workshops with Kashi and Milli to support your healing & awakening, and activate erotic radiance...
3 Ayahuasca ceremonies led by Milli to deepen your inner exploration…
Transmissions, tantric arts, yoni yoga and a curated combination of ancient & modern modalities designed to bring you home to you…
Fire rituals, song circles, movement medicine, sisterhood - and a safe, sacred space for you to relax, rejuvenate, release, shed, share, heal, transform and quantum leap!
Healthy, nourishing, delicious & sensual food made with love…
Plus expeditions to magical waterfalls and beaches!









  "This is the kind of work that helps us heal ourselves and play a part in healing the world. The work we did here felt sacred and significant."


Tamara Vogt


  "Highly recommended to all women regardless of how new or how advanced you feel on this path of priestess work or mystery teachings or self development - you will be surprised and infinitely delighted."


Fern Olivia









The Venue...


Our stunning retreat location offers luxury accommodation in a peaceful and secluded environment (minutes away from where the ocean meets the jungle) - offering beautiful scenery, nourishing ambiance, exceptional catering, and the perfect environment for a heroine’s journey home to herself, while being tenderly held in nature’s exquisite embrace.

  "The only word I can think of is extraordinary. It was such a perfect, divinely inspired journey that we all went on together. To really allow myself to express my feminine in a way that I just haven’t before, was a gift.

This work is so important, and I only hope that more women have the courage to step forward into this container, and allow themselves to bloom and become."




  "Best experience ever! Life changing!"


Tantrahuasca Food Goddesses - Kori & Emma























 There are various pricing options depending on your choice of accommodation. All sleeping rooms are in either in Villa Macaw or Villa Toucan, both within a few metres of the main building.


Each option includes all group activities plus delicious, nourishing food prepared for you throughout the retreat, along with everything else listed in the "What's Included" section.

Dorm Room - $2700

2 Spots Left!


This room features 2 bunk beds (2 double-sized & 2 single-sized), plus jungle views, ceiling fan, work desk and bathroom with shower.

You will be sharing a room with up to 3 other Goddesses.

Book Here

Twin Room - $3000

2 Spots left!


This room features 2 single beds, plus jungle and ocean views, ceiling fan, work desk and bathroom with shower.

You will be sharing a room with 1 other Goddess.

Book Here

Queen Room - $3600

1 spot left!


You will have your own room with a Queen sized bed, fit for Queens!

This room also features ocean and garden views, ceiling fan, work desk and bathroom with shower.

Book Here

King Room - $3900



You will have your own room with a King sized bed, fit for Queens who love to live in even more luxury!

This room also features ocean and jungle views, ceiling fan, work desk and luxury bathroom with bathtub.

Book Here









"I feel renewed and soul nourished. Thank you for your magical and profound way of holding space for us woman to heal and find our way. You embody such profound wisdom and are potent medicine for this world!!!"

Karlie Atkins

Note from Kashi…


Hi beloved soul,

I’m Kashi - tantrika, mystic, medicine woman, entrepreneur, and the founder of Kundalini Rose - a brand, platform, community and portal that supports women & men to reclaim their sexual sovereignty and awaken their full potential.

I do what I do because I believe in a world in which every human has reclaimed their sovereign birthright, and unlocked the power and gifts that come with the embodied experience and expression of their sacred sexuality. 

I’ve been a conscious student of tantra for twenty years - but I've walked the tantric path for lifetimes. Tantric arts came naturally to me. I discovered them instinctively, as ways to come home to my soul through my body. Years later, I discovered that many of my experiences matched ancient initiate practices and alchemical techniques. My body was, and still is, my teacher and my temple. The more I opened her up, the more I unlocked my pleasure, power and feminine medicine.

I met Milli when I was 22 - both of us relatively fresh from education, and both of us diving passionately into our own exploration of life, love, pleasure and freedom. There was an immediate intimacy between us - and a sense of love, trust, openness and sisterhood, as well as devotion to the divine - which remains the foundation of our friendship and collaboration.

For some years our paths took us separate ways - and though both of us were called to ayahuasca, it was in different ways and at different times. After participating in countless ceremonies all around the planet in my twenties, I spent a decade without drinking any medicine, integrating all she had shown me, her spirit as strong and present with me as ever.

When we finally reconnected in person we were both teaching tantra, sacred sexuality and embodiment. We went for a sunset walk in the forest on a cold autumn evening in England, and Milli shared with me her vision of a women’s retreat that fused feminine embodiment work, with the medicine she had been initiated to serve. As soon as I heard the word Tantrahuasca my entire body and being activated. And from that moment the vision began to birth itself through us…

Tantra is not only about expansion, ecstasy and sex. It welcomes the entirety of the human experience. Expansion and contraction. Moments of breaking open and moments of breaking down. To me, the tantric path involves divine surrender as a requisite. Willingness to go beyond the mind and comfort zones AND the capacity to hold strong, clear boundaries in many areas of life. Profound self respect. Unwavering devotion. Enormous trust.

My journeys with ayahuasca were initiations into my true self - that enabled me to go beyond the confines of my community, society and conditioning - and introduced me to the treasures of my own soul. With her I met my pain, power and potential, in ways that were only possible because she held me so profoundly in the unconditional love of the divine mother. I know that the quantum healing that happened in those ceremonies not only strengthened my soul and shaped my future evolution in this lifetime, it also empowered my trust, love and ability to be my own best teacher, healer, lover, and friend.

I’ve always been a revolutionary. It’s hard for me to imagine not being dedicated to making a difference, changing the world, and leaving a legacy of love. Because my experience has shown me that only love can melt our wounds, and bring us back to wholeness and truth. Only love can shed healing light upon the dark shadowy corners of our souls. And only love can reconcile our pain with peace.

For me the tantric path is walking through the fire of love, over and over again… And once you walk through fire, there’s no turning back. You emerge changed. Life becomes a ceremony of transformation - an endless initiation into your divine nature.

The path often appears paradoxical, yet union is its heartbeat. Because it’s a journey of returning ALL of us to love.

Every Tantrahuasca is a gathering of women who are deeply called to embody their true power and purpose. Who know the value and wisdom that comes from taking time to shed, heal, listen, change and grow, so they can receive all that is meant for them in this life, and offer their own unique gifts to the world. Our Tantrahuasca community is growing… together we form a global circle of women devoted to lighting up the planet with love - by being the women we truly are, and came here to be.

So it’s a pleasure, honour and blessing to welcome you to this journey with us, and I look forward to meeting you in the beautiful coastal jungle paradise that I’m blessed to call home.

Kashi x










Note from Milli…


I’m so excited to welcome you to this retreat! This will be the first time to bring many different aspects of my life’s work together in this way, and I imagine it will be super nourishing, deep, transformative, fun and rejuvenating on so many levels.

We shall be diving into practices, teachings and the medicine that have been so powerful in my own journey of transformation and empowerment.. that have helped me navigate the challenges of life, have enriched my relationships and sense of purpose, and that have connected me to ecstatic states of bliss, love, connectedness and the great mystery.

It will be a joy and honour to share them with you.

And also to collaborate in this way with Kashi for the first time. I felt a kindred spirit in her from our first serendipitous meeting, and have since been in awe of her beaming presence, wisdom and beautiful work she is sharing in the world.

All of this at a tropical paradise, where we shall be blessed by the abundance of Pachamama and the healing power of the sea.

I'm so looking forward to meeting you and sharing this journey together.

With love, Milli


We invite you to tune into your body...


Does She feel the calling to join us?


If so, you can find the booking options at the button below.


And if you have any questions, feel free to reach out at [email protected]



 With love, Kashi & Milli xx 








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