Some words of Appreciation...








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Vocal Liberation, Creative Expression & Music


Embodiment & Women's Retreats


Plant Medicine



1 - 1 Mentorship & Coaching 



Vocal Liberation, Creative Expression & Music



"I can't recommend her enough. Milli is a GIFT. Not only is she an exquisitely skilled musician with a giant loving heart, she's a true leader of wild freedom."

Amy Grace



"You are an amazing musician and healer. I was amazed by the music you were making, it felt like it was coming from a different realm. The space you created and held was wonderful. I joined you on a very deep and profound journey, largely disconnected from the rational mind and going deeper into the body and emotions. I felt very safe and held by you and could allow myself to relax and go deeper." 




"Milli has a unique way of bringing out the best in each person she works with. She knows how to make you feel comfortable, seen and heard, while at the same time pushing the boundaries of your comfort zone. She gently encourages you to break out of your shell, to come in contact with your true self, your true voice, and your true rhythm. The work we did together in the music workshop helped me access parts of myself that I have been holding back. Parts of my true nature that I have been suppressing.  Milli intuitively knows when to push you further, when to give support, and when to give and hold space. From the bottom of my heart, I thank you." 

Rachael Ranjani Kalin



“Milli Moonstone is an incredible healer, using the power of music, an open heart and gentle spirit to lovingly coax even the most timid souls to blossom into their full expression. The way she intuitively feels out the energy in the circles she holds is such a blessing – allowing for everyone to feel very comfortable, seen, appreciated and welcome. Most of us need a lot of encouragement to feel brave enough to truly share ourselves with others – but with Milli, all fears and inhibitions fall away, and everyone suddenly is dancing, stomping their feet and singing with wild abandon and great joy! What an experience! These music circles offer deep healing, sweet connection to the ancient ways, a reverence and honoring of the sacred, and an enormous amount of fun!”    




“Thank you Milli, you helped me embrace my gifts and creativity, and somehow unexpectedly turned them into music. Your workshop is a paramount milestone on my path of self-acceptance and self-expression. Thank you for caring so much and for not letting me get in my way. And thank you for all the magic <3”

Eros Biasolo



“The music evening with Milli was such a safe, nurturing, compassionate space where I could feel vulnerable, myself, and sing and dance. It was so freeing, so magical, so powerful, so uplifting. I loved every second of it and I left feeling full and euphoric... full of hope, love, compassion, self worth and knowing I am safe again.”  




“The music workshop with Milli has forever changed my life. Before I was very shy and nervous to sing and play guitar. I would often cry when I sang.  Now, after just 5 days here in paradise, I am singing without crying and wrote my first song! I am forever grateful for Milli’s musical mastery, deep listening and brilliant orchestration of support for each student’s voice to shine. She guided us to step out of our comfort zones and find joy in the unknown. Thank you, Milli, for all the love, fun and play! I will be back. Much love.”



"Milli is an incredibly gifted musician, facilitator, teacher, and space holder. I ALWAYS get super excited to work and play with her, whether it's online or in-person. So grateful for this powerful woman and all her offerings.”

Dylan Jonlynn



"To spend time here at this magical place was the best healing journey I have ever been on.  I will take so much light with me back home and share it to all my family, friends, patients and land.  I am really happy and everything was so friendly and well organised. I love you so much”




"Here in this most beautiful valley I have been welcomed like nowhere else and found a place I can truly call paradise on earth. I have in the “Music in Paradise” retreat been seen and heard like never before by amazing Milli, and gentled been pushed out of my comfort zone and grown immensely as a musician and composer. I will be back and I cannot wait!"    

Michael Rasa



 "Milli creates space that feels welcoming and comfortable. You are invited to meet with different parts of yourself and embrace them with love and compassion, you are invited to see your body as a sacred temple.

During sound journeys with Millli your body is allowed complete freedom and to just follow the flow of what moves through it. She will take you on a journey through space and time, where you will connect with the most ancient experiences of your soul in this world. She will gently carry you on with her soft voice to the deepest corners of your heart, where you may meet these beautiful parts of yourself you never knew existed. She may make you dance your heart out with your tribal ancestors...
Milli will bring you tears. And not only those for the past, but most importantly the tears that flow for the beauty of the perfect moment, the beauty of sacred connection to NOW. Her presence will fill you with a profound feeling of complete attention.
Milli can transform tremendous loss in a deeply touching beauty that goes beyond words. Her healing, angelic voice will gently touch you with the most subtle, unconditional and transformative love. Yet her energy can flow so strongly that you may find yourself dancing to the rhythm even before she hits the drum. She will take you to the most sacred places and the most distant corners in this Universe...


Milli can take you to the place where you can connect to a powerful vision of your life and empower you to manifest it, whatever time it takes.

At the end of the journey you will be guided to integrate the experience before you go back to your life and walk your own path of magic and love.

Milli will offer you a beautiful healing if you are open to receive it. You will feel complete and connected."

Isa Sky 



Embodiment & Women's Retreats

"This is the kind of work that helps us heal ourselves and play a part in healing the world. The work we did here felt sacred and significant. Milli is an exceptional and skilled facilitator." 
Tamara Vogt



“I am home! Life will never be the same after this workshop. I have discovered parts of myself that have been dormant for years. My creative juices are flowing and my zest for life has been re-activated. I feel grounded in the seat of my soul and free to be me.  Thank you Milli for creating such a safe, loving, open, wild space for each of us to shine bright.  Being with all these beautiful women in the jungle with hearts wide open has given me hope for humanity, and for the evolution revolution of love and peace."




“This workshop was everything I expected it to be and more. From song to dance to working through fear to connection. It was so powerful to come together as women in a supportive and loving environment. Thank you Milli for creating a safe space for me to step into my power and grace. Divine."

Jess Janda



“What is the definition of wild? In this workshop we were allowed to explore the meaning of the word and to EXPERIENCE wildness together with beautiful sisters. The connections that we made, the support that we felt and shared, the adventures, the love - were life-changing. I don’t remember ever being more connected to my core essence- to the stillness and silence within. With all my love”




"This workshop was one of the most powerful and beautiful moments to have shared with my soul sisters. You allowed us to all explore our creativity with song and dance and to step into our true essence as women. I am forever grateful to you, Terramaya and a bond that will be forever unbroken."

Danielle DiGrandi


Plant Medicine



"It’s been an incredible blessing to do the work here. What they're doing here is I find extraordinary and profound.. not only because this work is like this, but also the way they devote themselves to the works.. I'm talking about Milli, about the lineage coming from Norberto and Baixinha. 

I feel it's been carried out by so much experience and that creates a safe bedding in order to receive the massive beauty, mirrors and teachings that the medicine is able to show.

And the way they're guiding with their love and their voices and the music is a very, very high quality. You hear the music of the jungle, you feel the vibration of the healing powers of Mother Nature here.  I would say if you hear the call then this is really a place to be safe, and to be carried, and to be well-guided from start till end.” 




"What a journey! It’s been amazing. It feels like heaven... this amazing nature, the animals, the sounds, the music that they create, the food.. nothing else than just love and acceptance at this place. I’m so grateful and amazed at the magic these people create here.  

It has opened up so many things for me.. so many insights and realisations. I can’t wait to be here next year again.  Everything is like a fairytale here. I can’t express in words how grateful I am.”  




"This week has been totally amazing. The place here is so peaceful, and having this space to do these ceremonies has been life-changing for me.  I have got so many insights and learnt to be in presence. It’s been one hell of a journey! Im going home with many new insights that will help me live a life with more love.  

I almost can’t put words on this place. It has been fantastic and I’d recommend everyone who wants to learn more about themselves to go here and be in this peaceful place with all loving people.” 




"I can only say good things about Terramaya. What an amazing experience it’s been. I took the chance to come here because of the kindness I received in my communications with Terramaya from the beginning. That’s what made me trust Terramaya, knowing that they’re good people. The nature is fantastic, it’s so pristine, waterfalls, clean water, the sound of nature. The temple space is immaculate and so cosy and perfect.

And here you’ll be in great hands. Everybody will take care of you and treat you with love and respect and kindness. The food is healthy and delicious. And there’s such a wonderful sense of community here. I’m so glad I’ve experienced this in my life and I will definitely keep coming back here.”  



 * 3 photos above thanks to Thomas Tukker


1 -1 Mentorship & Coaching



"Milli holds a safe and comfortable space to be vulnerable and share. She made me feel held, heard, and cared for by her reflections and questions. I’m looking forward to exploring more embodiment work with Milli.  

Rachel Jonlynn 



"I felt safe with Milli to open up and be vulnerable, (even though the session was on Zoom!)  Her gentle approach is very welcoming and I love how she created space for me and my emotions. "



“I’ve had the privilege to work with a lot of healers over the years, training a number, leader and colleague to many others and the direct beneficiary of the work of still others.  All of which is to say that I think Milli really brings together a rare combination of wisdom, appropriate vulnerability, and skill, all grounded in compassion that is genuine.  I’ve known her for five years and in pretty intense circumstances, and have always admired her skills in group settings.  I have been graced and seen many others graced by her generosity of spirit and her ability to help people bring out their best, individually and together.  It is amazing to watch. 
This past Spring, Milli agreed to work with me individually to address some issues that were really distressing me.  I experienced her as incredibly sensitive and compassionate, respectful of my dignity and skilled in getting me into dialogue with myself.  She helped me to get unstuck from and work constructively with an incredibly painful state of mind.  My time with her was transformative and incredibly inspiring, for even such a relatively short time together. “
Mark Grace



"I met with Milli online for a singing session and was pleasantly surprised at how well it worked through the screen. We covered loads in an hour without it feeling rushed. With intension setting both before the session, in the session and as we went through, I felt held, heard and supported all the way. I got new technical insights for to how to use my singing support, how to broaden my range and tap into hidden creativity. I can recommend learning from Milly to anyone who is ready to explore new depths, curious about the capacity of their voice and open to developing clear communication."

Lisa Åkesson