One of my Strongest Experiences with Ayahuasca.. Ever!
Sep 23, 2022
I’ve just been in a four day ceremony and had one of my most powerful experiences with the medicine ever. (I've been in over 800 ceremonies, so this is saying something!)
While no words can do justice to the experience, I will convey it as best I can.
Ayahuasca led me into the collective unconscious related to the past 5 centuries of abuse of women.
I wasn’t experiencing the horrors of what has happened and is happening.
Rather, it was as though this experience was energetically realigning things into their rightful place. It was as if the universal codes of history were being re-written. And put back into the rightful order.
(Just to be clear.. as with family constellations, this energetic repatterning is not to deny or eradicate the past. Rather, it shifts the codes so that what occurs ahead from here has the potential to happen differently.. more harmoniously.)
Shifts in the collective consciousness of humanity were taking place through me.
I was simply the vehicle, nothing special about me that this happened.
But, it has awoken something in me..
A more firm confidence to speak out about these issues that matter. So deeply.
A deeper realisation of my path and role in serving the empowerment of women.
In being a leader of love.
In playing my part in creating a new paradigm of balance, honour and respect.
The following morning (Equinox), I woke unusually early and channelled a message.
“Channelled” is not a word that I tend to use.
But in this case the message flowed through so purely and clearly. And it feels so potent to share it with you as spoken word.
I’ve never shared spoken word in this way before – this is new for me!
It just feels so clear that this message delivered in this way has to be shared. For whatever effect or shift it may create, in either women or men.
It is called "Message Of The Goddess". You can listen <<< HERE >>>
“The time has come for each woman to know herself as a Goddess.. infinitely precious, infinitely worthy, a light unto herself.
And the time has come for each man to stand in support of Her, to offer firm ground and open palms facing upwards, offering his solidarity and encouragement for Her light to shine.
For when man can step into his rightful role in service and protection of the feminine, each woman shall be able to see him as the God that he is.
He is not here to take. He is not here to have what is not given freely and from love.
He is here to honour and celebrate Her.
And in so doing, it is her greatest joy to give.
To give all.
And so is formed a space of mutual respect, honour, reciprocity…
And the path is formed for a love to flow between man and woman, God and Goddess, in a way that is so rarely seen in this world.
This is the new way.
And it is coming, my friends.
Women, we hold those keys within us.
You are that goddess.
I invite you to claim it! Claim it fully!!! Reawaken it.
Re-member yourself as that divine being, worthy of infinite love and honour.
As you are that love.
Seek for it within yourself. Offer that honour and respect to yourself.
As you more fully integrate that, the world will energetically realign in support of that.
That is the natural order.
That is the natural way.
And we are returning there.”
Received by Milli on Equinox, 21st September ‘22
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