Improve Your Relationships with Shadow Work

live an extraordinary life navigating emotions plant medicine Jul 24, 2023


It can be a painful journey to really look deep inside and meet ourselves, repressed emotions, buried traumas, unhealthy conditionings etc.

Many have fear, or simply don’t feel called to do that work.. because, well.. who wants to open themselves up to feel pain?

The point is, when we bite the bullet and enter into safe, conscious spaces with the intention to feel what is there to be felt, it can be intense for a short period of time..

And then, stored emotional energy gets released and we can find the we’ve dropped unhealthy patterns of behaviour that may have affected our lives for years, decades or even our entire lifetime.

When we don’t do this, the energy lurks as an undercurrent that subconsciously affects our behaviour, our way of seeing ourselves and our choices… which becomes our “fate”.

As Jung said, “Until we make the unconscious conscious, it will rule our lives and we will call it fate”.

We live in a more disempowered and subdued state for a whole lifetime, not even realising there are realms of being that are soooo much more juicy, vibrant, vivacious and fulfilling.

The path of one on the journey to self-awareness is for the courageous..

It means we are willing to feel the pains and fears that reside within, to be willing to look through the projections to our own wounds.

Engaging in pathways such as shadow work, breathwork, Tantra and plant medicines such as Ayahuasca and Psilocybin can help hold up a mirror for us to see ourselves that bit more clearly, and feel what is there to be felt within, which ain’t always pretty.

But when we go through that process, we are able to step so much more fully into living our dreams, forging our own unique, heart-inspired path in life, and having healthy, nourishing, intimate relationships.

Why not go through the challenge to arrive at the beauty and love that waits the other side?! It is soo magical!!!


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